If you want to play, you have till next Thursday (July 5th) to provide your input.
Well, Sony used Iron Maiden's "Can I play with madness" for their HD products. This is a commercial that runs in NL. The RO version is slightly different as the target is different as well.
And this is the original video:
Iron Maiden "Can I play with madness"
Album "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son" - 1988

iron maiden
Iron Maiden: Can I Play With Madness!!!! I ROCK! well anyone should see this from the best "heavy metal" band evah!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand... second time around when more than one correct/complete answer was given. Keep it up dudes and dudettes. Watch more tv, kill some more neurons for the greater good, what the hell :))
Scored me 30 points though :)
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