Let's test again your abilities to cheat and interprete various clues, shall we?
D:A:D (short for Disneyland After Dark) was formed in Copenhagen, Denmark, in the mid-'80s. The band built quite a following in their homeland with a number of independent releases before signing with Warner Brothers for a reputedly huge sum in 1988. After shortening their name to avoid legal repercussions, the band released their international debut, "No Fuel Left for the Pilgrims", the following year. But despite their electrifying AC/DC-inspired hard rock, a great image, and a strong showing in Europe, the album did nothing in America.
D.A.D. "Sleeping my day away"
Album "No Fuel Left for the Pilgrims" - 1989
One of the first videos I saw with D.A.D. (along with "Bad Craziness") which determined me to get their albums. Definitely feel-good music, definitely good hard rock and hillarious lyrics. It surely worths checking them out.

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