Friday, June 22, 2007

Quiz #13 - The Offspring "Original prankster"

Everybody loved these guys, even those who didn't necessarily liked rock :P

Post your answers in the comment form til June 29...


The Offspring's metal-inflected punk became a popular sensation in 1994, selling over four million albums on an independent record label. While the group's credentials and approach follow the indie rock tradition of the '80s, sonically they sound more like an edgy, hard-driving heavy metal band, with their precise, pulsing power chords and Dexter Holland's flat vocals.


The Offspring "Original prankster"
Album "Conspiracy of One" - 2000


Joeri said...

I'm not too sure but: Antrax...could be madball too, but those were never too popular

Tina said...

objectValues, Adorian, 10 points each.

Second week is almost over and again we have a tie between you two and Joeri from Quiz #10.

I don't have much hopes for Q #14, as hard rock bands are only well-known if they are in the top 10 (sometimes not even then) - but I'm shoked no one even blinked at Quiz #15...

Oh well, shame on ALL of you.


Joeri said...

ow well I'm just playing for fun :) ughe... based on pics and those skimpy hints I can't really say anything sensible about Q 14-16... never seen them...Q 17-18 though: maybe I will even score some bonus points! Well I'm not too sure about those even...

Joeri said...

I meant: Q18-19