I chose something really easy, as this expires next Monday, July the 2nd.
Good luck everybody.
I can't fuckin' believe it. No one recognized Mustaine's face. No one read ”MUSTAINE" on that tombstone. No one saw this when it was ALWAYS on television?! Hard to believe...
Anyway, this song was released in 1994, on "Youthanasia". The video was banned in USA allegedly because of the suicidal message.
Megadeth "A tout le monde"
Album "Youthanasia" - 1994
In 2007 Megadeth released "United Abominations" which features a remake of that song, only this time it is a duet between Dave Mustaine and Cristina Scabbia of Lacuna Coil.
Here's the new video:
Megadeth "A tout le monde"
Album "United Abominations" - 2007

Guess we all loved Metallica more ;)
Anyway: never sat through a whole video of Megadeth in my life, until I got some virtuoso band members who pointed out Megadeth as a really good band to me... the underground scene really was deep below the level of MTVHBB I think...
Let's just say that Metallica fluctuated a lot musicwise, while Megadeth had maintained a more stable musical direction. :))
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