for a 3 days festival held in Sibiu.
I lodged in here

waking up every morning to this incredible view:

I tried to see as much as possible of the city

and here's the proof :)

We loved the architecture

but we loved checking out guys more :)))

As always, the best looking ones were on stage...

We ate sweets

painted the

visited Bruckenthal

took pictures

and tried getting lost in the woods.

At the very last minute we found a nice shop and wasted all our savings there.

I practically forced Gabi into buying this incredible dress.
She liked it so much she couldn't stand still.
I wanna go back...
If you see my boss, tell him he owes me money.
stupid fucking boss! At least you had a great time at the festival ;) 2 Dutch bands there, but you knew that of course...
LOVELY pictures btw! Ow and did I see a Romanian band called Altar on the artmania site? They should change their name if the want to accomplice something because... we Dutchies already have a band Altar and they have been succeeded already by a band called Altarnative, since the the original Altar members, who quit, didn't want to give away the band name ;)
There has also been AFTER FOREVER in the last day's line-up; they aren't on the poster because they probably confirmed too late. I liked WITHIN TEMPTATION more, though, couldn't tell exactly why. Maybe because I'm not exactly a fan of opera singing in rock. But After Forever didn't overdo this, and they had a smashing presence on the scene. I liked them very much, yes. As for THE GATHERING, probably the most accessible/commercial of all, but she looked so cute and all, you couldn't help but love her :)
MY DYING BRIDE kicked major butt!!!
As for ALTAR, they are around since at least 1992 when I discovered them, and in fact there are a lot of bands bearing that name in the world. Wouldn't be the first time this happens.
Am fost numa sambata la festival si mi s`a parut ca nu si`a meritat banii deloc... merita de cel putin 3-4 ori mai mult totul:) A fost fantastic, incredibil, absolut magic si de neuitat. Desi ca nu am o varsta inaintata si nu pot spune ca am participat la nu stiu cate concerte, acesta a fost singurul la care pur si simplu am inchis ochii si m`am pierdut in muzica (mai putin la The Gathering). De TAROT n`ai zis nimic :)
PS: Sper ca nu am gresit scriind in romana:)
io voiam sa vad Anathema, pentru ca i-am vazut prima oara in 1994 la MANIC DEPRESSION TOUR alaturi de SCHNITT ACHT si-mi sint dragi tare, si apoi voiam sa vad trupele de "gagici" :))))
Mi-e mi-a placut, si a fost misto si Tarot, pe care nu-i mai ascultasem inainte.
O cronica mult mai la obiect gasesti la Jen
Si poze
Trupe de "gagici" ?! :))
Anyway`s, genu` de festival care nu are cum sa nu te convinga sa vi si anu` urmator.
Am citit croicuta lu` Jen. Good time spent, din cate am putut concluziona. :) Take me with you next year please. :))
pai am mers cu oameni pe care nu ii stiam deloc, sau pe care doar ii intilnisem in trecere inainte, si a fost misto. Nu vad de ce n-ar fi posibil.
"Chip in taci", ca sa zic asa...
I will do that my lady! :)
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