From out of nowhere, Judas Priest suddenly revitalized themselves with Painkiller, in no small part because of new drummer Scott Travis, whose busy, virtuosic rhythmic base pushes Rob Halford, K.K. Downing, and Glenn Tipton to their most energetic and impassioned performances in an extremely long time. Songs like the title track, "Leather Rebel," and "Metal Meltdown" thrash like mad; Halford's shrieking and growling is positively frightening, as he uses his incredible vocal range to an almost King Diamond-like effect.
But it isn't just the rediscovered power that makes Painkiller the band's strongest musical effort in ages: the elegant "A Touch of Evil," for example, is reminiscent of the progressive, intricately arranged pieces of their '70s work.
Judas Priest - Painkiller
Album "Painkiller" - 1990

Judas Priest - Painkiller
Judas Priest - Painkiller
Judas Priest - not sure of the song.
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