Have a fabulous weekend, everybody.
Second time around for Aerosmith on This Blog Rocks, only the first time around they triggered more correct responses.
Aerosmith "The Other Side"
Album "Pump" - 1989

Here you can prove that not only you love rock n' roll, but you also remember it
Snapshots are going to be posted (almost) everyday.
You get 10 points for the name of the band.
You get 10 more points for the song title.
First complete answer gets 10 extra points.
Log in with your Blogger/Google account and post your answers in the comments. Comments will await moderation and will be approved after each video contest expires. Each video has a one week deadline.
Aerosmith - can't recall the song.
Aerosmith - The Other Side
"You love me, you hate me, you cut me down to size;
you blinded me with love and yeah it opened up my eyes"
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