Still have some html to
The rules are the same:
You get 10 points for the name of the band.
You get 10 more points for the song title.
First complete answer gets 10 extra points.
Log in with your Blogger/Google account and post your answers in the comments. Comments will await moderation and will be approved after each video contest expires. Each video has a one week deadline.
You can only post your answer once, so think hard before you press enter.
This quiz expires next Wednesday, April the 8th.
Good luck everyone and if I may suggest, DailyMotion is a good place to start watching videos.
I first heard these guys sometime at the end of 2007 on Bruce Dickinson's rock show at BBC Radio 6. It was after the single "Too much Too Young Too Fast" was released and it struck me as pure Ac/Dc.
Airbourne is a straightforward rock band in the Aussie pub rock tradition of AC/DC, the Angels, and Rose Tattoo: four guys with beers in hand who would rather die than be caught wearing a pink shirt.
The brothers Joel and Ryan O'Keeffe grew up in the country town of Warrnambool, with a collection of classic Australian rock albums stolen from their uncle. When everyone around them was listening to current music, they were firmly entrenched in the music of the '70s and '80s they longed to re-create. Joel took on vocals and lead guitar and Ryan the drums while still in school, earning them the enmity of their neighbors, who sent the police around with noise complaints multiple times.
Anyway, here's the video you had to guess:
Airbourne "Runnin' Wild"
Album "Runnin' Wild" - 2007
And yes, that's Lemmy Killmister driving the truck :))

It's nice to have you back!!
I think it's Airbourne - Runnin' Wild
Woo-hoo! Welcome back!
...Aaand the answer is: Airbourne - Runnin' Wild
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