Friday, February 15, 2008

Quiz #132 - White Zombie "Thunder Kiss '65"

White Zombie fused B-horror movie visuals and subject matter with heavy music and growled vocals. And while it was originally thought to be a full-fledged band, it would later become known that the group was almost entirely the vision of their larger-than-life singer, Rob Zombie.

Although he had long admired such theatrical metallists as Kiss and Alice Cooper (as well as such punk outfits as the Ramones), Rob wasn't quick to form a group. By 1985 however, Rob opted to pursue a career in music and united with then-girlfriend/bassist Sean Yseult and formed White Zombie (titled after the 1932 Bela Lugosi flick).

First considered a New York Underground band rather than a heavy metal band, White Zombie began incorporating industrial rock elements into their sound, which made them one of the few hard rock bands of the era that you could also dance to.


WHITE ZOMBIE "Thunder Kiss '65"
Album "La Sexorcisto: Devil Music, Vol. 1" - 1992

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