Sunday, November 4, 2007

Monthly Chart - October

1. Gareth = 270 points
2. Cassandra = 140 points
3. objectValues = 110 points
4. Petrica the Cat = 70 points
5. Diana = 50 points

6. Jo = 30 points
6. Gabriel Radic = 30 points
6. Joeri = 30 points
6. Andrei = 30 points
6. Adorian = 30 points
6. Malcom = 30 points

Cassandra still needs to pick up her prize for September, and the consolation prize for August.

As for this month's winner, Gareth, nothing would make me happier than to be able to cover his trip to The Almighty, but as it is, he's going to have to settle for some pictures, maybe videos and a good story :))

1 comment:

GC said...

Anything is better than nothing at all!