Sunday, October 7, 2007

Monthly Chart - September

1. Cassandra = 190 points (30+90+50+20)
2. Gareth = 170 points (0+0+40+130)
3. objectValues = 110 points (0+20+90+0)
4. Joeri = 50 points (0+50+0+0)
5. Petrica, The Cat = 30 points (0+10+20+0)
6. Malcom = 20 points (0+0+20+0)

After much hassle, Cassandra finally wins, although for the last 2 laps she had to put up with Gareth's cold breath right behind her.

"Go, Cassandra, go" finally paid off, ey? :)

1 comment:

Cassandra said...

Oh yeah, it definitely did:D