Jumping on the post-grunge industrial bandwagon with Outside didn't successfully rejuvenate David Bowie's credibility or sales, so he switched his allegiance to techno and jungle for the follow-up, Earthling.
Fortunately, Bowie sounds rejuvenated by this new form, and songs like "Little Wonder" and "Seven Years in Tibet" are far stronger than the bulk of Outside. Still, the record falls short of its goals, and it doesn't offer enough intrigue or innovations to make Earthling anything more than an admirable effort.
Though not a major commercial success, the album scored a number of positive reviews and scored a minor hit with a Trent Reznor remix of "I'm Afraid of Americans". The album featured elements not common to dance electronica, such as live acoustic and electric guitar, jazzy live piano, and song structures more common to pop-rock than techno. The album performed better than its highly experimental predecessor, Outside, reaching number 6 in the UK charts and number 39 in the US.
David Bowie feat. Trent Reznor - I'm afraid of Americans
Album "Earthling" - 1997

Not sure of the official titling, but it's something like David Bowie featuring Trent Reznor / Nine Inch Nails - I'm Afraid Of Americans
david bowie - i'm afraid of americans
David Bowie (dar ce melodie?)
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