Saturday, September 8, 2007

Monthly Chart - August

1. object Values = 240 points (40+0+90+80+30)
2. Cassandra = 220 points (30+10+110+50+20)
3. Joeri = 70 points (0+0+30+20+20)
4. Jo = 20 points (0+0+0+20+0)
5. Petrica the Cat=10 points (0+0+10+0+0)
6. Adorian = 10 points (0+0+0+10+0)

It's the 3rd time in a row when object Values wins this contest.

Since we couldn't meet so far, the prizes he has to collect are:

- for June: Evanescence "Anywhere but home" DVD
- for July: Within Temptation "The Silent Force Tour" DVD
- for August: Paradise Lost "Evolve" DVD

Luckily there's a Lake of Tears concert tonight, so I'll finally get rid of them prizes...

AND, because she came so close this month, Cassandra also wins a special DVD with high definition DVD rip gothic videos...


objectValues said...

Yeah, we met at the Lake of Tears concert; great concert btw.

Tina, thank you very much for the prizes, it was a very nice surprise :)

Tina said...

Loved the concert and Rage was a nice surprise as well :P

You're welcome, and send me the list for next time :))

Cassandra said...

I'm glad you had a great time at the concert:)

And many thanks! Yay!